The Dawn of a New Era

Last Sunday we had the Stake Presidency in our Sacrament meeting. The Stake President got up after the Sacrament was passed and started his talk by stating we have a great ward and bishopric. He also stated that now that its a new year we have many opportunities to expand and grow. Then he said that by the authority of the First Presidency he will dissolve the Park 11th ward. Then he released  everyone. It was very sudden. very few people had any warning, so the news was kind of hard to take. The Stake President then left time for testimonies and needless to say, that Sacrament meeting went longer than any Sacrament meeting I have been to.

When the Stake President made the announcement I was very sad, but it wasn't until he released me that I started bawling. I was so depressed that without warning I no longer had a calling. I felt so different being the  Young Women's President. I felt like I was guided by the Spirit far more than when I didn't have a calling, and suddenly that was taken from me. I also felt that I didn't even have the chance be good at my calling. I had no young women, how was I supposed to do what the Lord asked? It was a pill that was really hard to swallow but I had no choice. I turned to Andrew and he let me cry on his shoulder for awhile. After the block me and Andrew were standing by the Bishops office waiting for Andrew to talk to someone. The Bishop saw us and called us into his office for some candy. We took the candy and he shook both our hands. He looked me in the eye and said, "Thank you Ashley, you are such a wonderful person." And the sincerity in his voice calmed me. It made me feel better even though he didn't really say anything specific.

A few days later I went to a Relief Society activity at the church. Afterwards I saw the Bishop, one of his counselors  and the ward secretary in the Bishops office packing up so I decided to stop in and say bye one last time. We all had a good long conversation about the ward and how much we'll miss it and then about the blessings we'll have in the new ward. They all made jokes about how I'll probably be called in to Young Womens in the new ward and it will be great because there will ACTUALLY be girls! Its a nice thought.

In the end, I felt at ease, less betrayed and more ready for the new era to begin. I am excited and anxious at the same time. I know that Heavenly Father knows best and he will bless me no matter where I am. I met the new Relief Society presidency and they are really friendly and welcoming. This is the dawn of a new era and I'm ready to start this with an open mind and an eagerness to serve. I know that this is the true Church and the Gospel is true no matter what ward I'm in and I write this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


  1. I really enjoyed your story/testimony. I am the New R.S. president in my ward and I so know how you feel. I would be shocked if it were to end that quickly...there is so much guidance and growth you get as you serve. Thanks for sharing it is nice to hear that others have the same feelings and experiences out there!!


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