The Things That I Know
I was going to make the title, "The Things That I Believe" but I decided that everything I will be posting, will be the things that I know. For example, I know that I am married to Andrew Townsend, and I know that I love it! I know that I have amazing family members, a great job, and amazing opportunities to grow! And, I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true church on earth (and in space) today.
I was baptized when I was 8 years old. I had no idea what was going on because the only time I went to church was when my grandma Susan would take me, and that was only when we were in town visiting. I remember not liking primary, all of the kids were weird and different, and the teachers were just as odd. I didn't really start to be involved until I was 12, which is the age to go to Young Womens. At school, my friend Esther Erickson told me all about how great church was and how fun the activities were on Wednesdays. She invited me to come with her one day, I thought, "I'm fun and I love fun so this must be perfect!" so I went. It was true, the activities were fun, and little did I realize at the time, they were inspiring. Eventually I was invited to go to girls camp, so I went. My first year there, the Laurels did a faith walk. A faith walk is where the older girls prepare spiritual lessons that the younger girls take turns listening to. That year we had a chance to walk a long time through the woods between each lesson which made the night even more special. I knew the church was true, I'm not sure that I ever doubted, but it was always solidified when I spent time with the other girls in my ward. But even after all of the activities and camps, I still didn't go to church.
The weekend before my 9th grade year started, I moved from Orem, UT to Pleasant Grove, UT. I didn't have my friends, I really was all alone. Eventually, I became friends with my neighbor Aubrey Neilson, who invited me to be friends with her friends, Jordan Boone and Stephanie Freeman. We all hung out at school and then we would hang out after school. Then Aubrey, Jordan, and Stephanie invited me to go to church with them. I went to the activities, but knew I needed more, so I started to go on Sundays. At first I would sit alone, and not always stay the whole time, then Aubrey would let me sit with her and her family and eventually I became active. Looking back, I find it amazing that these three 14 year olds would have the courage to invite me to church and be my friend, rather than push me aside because I wasn't like them. I'm sure that if it wasn't for Esther Erickson, I probably wouldn't have been involved with the church at all. I know that thanks to my amazing friends and their faith, I was able to take the steps needed to get married in the temple.
I met Andrew Townsend, who is a faithful member of the church. He served a full time mission (and if you want to know more you can read his post), and came home fully active. He met me and loved me for all that I am, past, present, and future. We were married on April 15th in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. I love him so much. He keeps me holding to the Iron Rod with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I know that with him, I am able to return to Heaven to the highest degree and be with our Heavenly Father. I know that with his help, we will work together to make this life as uplifting and spiritual as it can be. I am thankful for him, my faithful grandparents who took the first steps with me, and my friends. I am truly blessed to have each and every one of them in my life. I am thankful that I married into such a loving active family, and I know that, with work, I'll be with my own family in Heaven as well. I'm so grateful for this Church and I KNOW that it is true! I say write things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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