Our second baby boy was blessed. Here is the blessing that was given.

Three and a half years ago Peter was blessed at two months old in our chapel in Cedar Hills Utah in front of our ward and with a large circle of priesthood holders that included friends and family. Theodore got a different and quite unique experience. He was blessed at four and a half months old in my parent's home with only 18 people physically present, and four families participating through a video chat. All of this is because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. We've been wanting to bless him since March but with lots of new rules about distancing and limited numbers of people, we found ourselves in this strange situation. However, the works of God will not be halted, and as soon as we could have 20 people present we blessed him. Andrew blessed him. Here are the words of his blessing. Our Father in Heaven, by the authority of the Melchizedek priesthood which we hold we come together to give this baby a name and a blessing. The name that he will be known by throughou...