A Thought From My Friend
A dear friend of mine sent me the following email. It is something to be shared with all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnYbsAVdkYw Today as I was listening to the track "The Last March of the Ents" from "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" soundtrack and it occurred to me how this scene in the movie applies to our lives. In the movie, the Ents (the living, talking tree creatures) are told by Merry and Pippin of the evil that is taking over the world. It turns out that the Ents are quite apathetic to what is going on, they do not believe that the evil affects them, and that it is none of their concern what is happening to others. I thought about how we can all be apathetic at times, sometimes not taking thought to how evil affects us, our family or our friends. We sometimes don't take a second thought about watching that one movie, or retelling that one joke, or visiting that one Internet site, or using those words, or listening to that music th...