Some Thoughts From the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr - Thoughts while writing my Sunday School lesson.
The "Come Follow Me" lesson topic for April is The Apostasy and The Restoration. I love the Restoration of the gospel. I love the wonderful feeling of life, and growth, and brightness I get when I think about the Restoration. I think about those wonderful days when I wake up early, and go outside early in the morning and accomplish some great task or have a great experience. Most recently I have risen early to work on movies for school, or gone on hikes, or played Frisbee with friends. On my mission we would run in the thick, wet air of the south, beams of sun lighting up the humidity looking like fairy dust falling from heaven. Each of these experiences are filled with the wonderful feeling of endless possibilities and potential. The day is young, and the world is waiting for us to experience it. In preparation for my lesson coming up this Sunday, a suggested reading came from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph ...